Spouse Immigration Visa

Spouse immigration for Canada is a part of the spousal sponsorship program that allows a conjugal partner or a common-law partner or a spouse to apply for Permanent Residence (PR) in Canada. Irrespective of whether you apply from outside Canada or inside Canada, IRCC has updated a uniform spouse immigration process and processing time for the Permanent Resident application.

With that being said, you can expect 12 months of spouse immigration Canada processing time once you apply for Spouse Permanent Residency (PR) Canada. Many factors like previous marriages, current relationship stability, etc. are taken into consideration at the time of assessment of an application done under the spousal sponsorship program.

Due Diligence

We comply with all the latest regulations prescribed by the IRCC while conducting your applications.

Expert Guidance

Our skilled professionals guide you through all the procedural steps in a systematic and convenient manner.

Client-focused Service

We assess your candidature quite precisely by taking into consideration all the relevant aspects.

Spouse Permanent Residency (PR) Application from within Canada

If you and your spouse are staying in Canada and only your spouse has a permanent residency or citizenship, you can apply for Permanent Residency under inland sponsorship, wherein, you can do so even if you own a temporary status such as worker, student or visitor. Even your spouse can apply to sponsor you as a conjugal partner/common-law partner/spouse if he or she is having a Permanent Residence status or Canadian citizenship.

Once you apply through inland sponsorship for spouse dependent permanent residency in Canada, you can also apply for spouse dependent work permit. In order to get done with such complex processes, proper knowledge and awareness is required. You can let a representative work for you to look after such procedures. Our team of experts assure extra-ordinary services to you by keeping you updated regarding any changes in the IRCC guidelines.

We provide personalized assistance at each and every step as we aim to give you the best results that suit your profile. With a high success ratio of approvals and positive results, we’re always ready to consistently guide you towards your ultimate goals.

Spouse Permanent Residency (PR) Application from outside Canada

If you live in Canada as a citizen or have a Permanent Residence (PR) status, then you can sponsor your spouse to Canada for the purpose of applying for spouse dependent permanent residency from outside Canada.

You can avail an outland sponsorship if you’re living in a foreign country situated outside of Canada. The spouse immigration Canada processing time has been reduced to 12 months on an average.

Moreover, there are a couple of important things to be taken into consideration. Once you get your permanent residency for Canada, your sponsoring spouse must continue to sponsor you for the next 3 years. Besides that, you’ll also be restricted from sponsoring your spouse in-turn, for the next 5 years. You and your sponsoring spouse must be of at least 18 years of age to be eligible under the spousal sponsorship program. Furthermore, your sponsor is required to prove his financial stability for sponsoring you, in the form of funds, investments, etc. to the IRCC in order to avail services under this program.