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January 21, 2019

Do you and your spouse wish to live in Canada together? The spouse visa for Canada helps in bridging the gap between you and your spouse.  There are many benefits of having spouse visa for Canada and along with that there are a few mandatory requirements that fall under the basic eligibility criteria.

First and foremost, here are the approximate processing times of certain categories that fall under the Canada spouse visa –

Canada spouse visa processing time includes the processing time of applications for Canadian spouse dependent work permit and the Canada spousal sponsorship.

  • The spouse work permit Canada processing time is approximately 60 to 90 days, which is subject to change depending upon various reasons.
  • The spouse immigration Canada processing time is approximately 10 to 12 months, which can differ based on certain probable reasons.

Moving on to the basic eligibility requirements for spouse visa for Canada, here are the following criteria –

  • You and your spouse must be lawfully married. It is mandatory for you both to provide relationship proofs that assure and confirm the authenticity and validity of your relationship.
  • You need to show and affirm to the concerned visa officer that you are financially stable and capable of bearing your spouse’s common & basic expenditures. For this, you need to show the funds present in your bank account(s).
  • You and your spouse must be of at least 18 years in age for being eligible to apply for the spouse visa for Canada.
  • In case of the Canada spousal work permit, you must be a student of a recognized college or university in Canada or a Canadian citizen. However, for sponsoring your spouse to Canada under the spousal sponsorship program, you must be either a Permanent Resident of Canada or a Canadian Citizen.

There are also many advantages pertaining to the spouse visa for Canada. Read on to find out some of the major advantages!

  • Your spouse can apply for the Canada spouse visa without having to show any type of work experience. Now, isn’t that an amazing perk!?
  • Your spouse does not need to appear for the IELTS exam – and that in itself, is not just a benefit, but a huge relaxation, helping your spouse being easily eligible to apply.

These are the core factors related to the Canadian spouse visa. You can obtain flawless services regarding the same from Canadaspousevisa.ca, which is an online Canada spouse visa expert. This is a web portal with a team of experienced veterans who are always keen and dedicated towards delivering quality services to you.

Here, you can definitely expect to be treated with utter client-friendliness while you are provided with accurate and transparent Canada spouse visa services. You can also expect the services to be smooth as well as getting regular updates concerning your application procedure.

For reaching out to this Canada spouse visa expert, send an email to info@canadaspousevisa.ca or visit www.canadaspousevisa.ca in order to gain detailed insights into the various services offered by them.

January 5, 2019
January 5, 2019

The Canada spouse visa category has been undergoing a booming traffic of applicants who wish to stay together with their spouse in Canada! This trend has been consistently soaring and is expected to continue to increase year by year. This upward inclination is evidently supported by the previous years’ statistical data and the yearly target set by the Canadian government for the upcoming years, i.e. 2019 and 2020.

As 2019 has commenced, you would be delighted to get enlightened with such influential statistics. You would be highly motivated to apply for the spouse visa for Canada after learning about its merits and the ease with which you can proceed with your application.

Do you desire to be with your spouse in Canada?

Do you wish to know if you are eligible for the Canada spouse visa?


Before moving on to what makes you eligible for applying, it’s quite essential to know why and how Canada spouse visa can be advantageous to you and your spouse!

Here are some mind-boggling statistics that would help you to compare yearly statistics of spouse immigration for Canada –

Canada Spouse Visa 2019

2016: 60,588 people went to Canada under the spouse immigration program.

2017: 61,646 people went to Canada under the spouse immigration program.

2018: 66,000 was the prescribed target by CIC for the spouse immigration program.

2019: 68,000 is the target for the applicants of spouse immigration for Canada!

2020: 70,000 is the target for the applicants of spousal immigration to Canada!

As you can see, the yearly targets have been on an increase which paves the way for more applicants who get to live with their spouse in Canada!

The Canada spouse visa processing time is different as per the spouse immigration program and the spouse dependent work permit for Canada. It takes approximately 10 to 12 months for your Canada spouse immigration application to get processed while for the spousal work permit for Canada, it takes about 60 to 90 days approximately for the application to get processed.

Wondering about the basic requirements? Your wait is over!

  • You and your spouse must be of at least 18 years in age.
  • Proofs for assuring financial stability and capability of your spouse in Canada.
  • You and your spouse’s relationship stability proofs for proving authenticity.

Looking for benefits? There are ample of them and thus, you will be amazed with the advantages that Canada spouse visa brings to you!

  • You don’t need to appear for the IELTS exam!
  • You don’t need to show any kind of work experience!
  • You can work in Canada under any employer for full time on legal basis!
  • You and your spouse can live together in Canada and take forward your future!
  • Your visa term will be the same as that of your spouse’s visa period!

The significance of Canada spouse visa is immense and exhaustive. However, due to the complicated, monotonous and hectic procedures, it’s important for you to approach and seek help from a reliable Canada spouse visa expert!

Choosing the best expert amongst so many available options can be a tricky task for you. So here’s a solution to your problem…

Our online portal that provides of Canada spouse visa services – www.canadaspousevisa.ca, can help you with seamless services with utmost transparency and accuracy! Send an email to info@canadaspousevisa.ca or call on +91 9998686283 for getting in touch with its proficient team and to avail its smooth and swift services.

December 5, 2018

Why is a spouse visa for Canada so useful and important? What is so special about the spouse visa for Canada? How can you get a Canada spouse visa? All these are not just questions but the major points of realization that throw light upon the significance of the Canada spouse visa category!

Moreover, the core question is, “Can you be with your spouse and live with him or her in Canada?”

These questions can be answered thoroughly to you by a Canada spouse visa expert. Your basic knowledge of the benefits arising out of any of the Canada spouse visa categories will be tremendously boosted by such a Canada spouse visa expert.

Before moving on to the benefits of spouse dependent visa for Canada and importance of a Canada spouse visa expert, let us get well versed with the various types of Canada spouse visa that act as options for you in order to serve your specific purpose of going to Canada –

1.) Spouse Dependent Work Permit for Canada:

This category lets you work in Canada, that too full-time, for any Canadian employer. The processing time for spousal work permit Canada is approximately 60 to 90 days, while this time is tentative in nature. You can apply for the same if your spouse in Canada is of at least 18 years of age and has a financial stability to call you to Canada and bear all your basic expenditures.

2.) Spouse Dependent Immigration for Canada:

This category is for gaining citizenship or becoming a Permanent Resident of Canada. Your spouse can sponsor you to Canada, enabling you both to live together. This can be done if certain eligibility requirements are met with.

Generally, you can reap abundant number of benefits if you have a Canada spouse visa. Even before applying for it, there are certain advantages that you get! Read on to find out the basic positive aspects –

  • You need not appear for the IELTS exam in order to apply for the Canada spouse visa.
  • You are not required to show any kind of work experience as the eligibility requirements do not consider it necessary.
  • You can work full time for any employer in Canada on lawful basis once you get your hands on the Canada spouse visa.
  • The period of your approved Canada spouse visa would be similar to that of your spouse’s approved Canada visa term!

There are a couple of important factors for you to keep in mind before applying for the Canada spouse visa –

  • It is mandatory for you and your spouse to provide documental proofs of your relationship stability and authenticity in order to prove to the concerned authorities that you both share a genuine spousal connection on lawful grounds.
  • Your spouse in Canada has to show proofs of having sufficient funds for proving the fact that he or she can easily take care of your basic needs.

Each and every essential facet of application process can be taken care of by the Canada spouse visa expert for you. Generally, the Canada spouse visa processing time is affected due to manual errors made in the application itself. This is exactly where a Canada spouse visa expert like Canadaspousevisa.ca has an upper hand!

For further information and detailed insights, visit www.canadaspousevisa.ca or drop an email to info@canadaspousevisa.ca for getting in touch with the professionals.

November 27, 2018

Pursuing your career abroad can bring a distance between you and your loved once as you would have to go to overseas destinations for grabbing life changing opportunities. For instance, if you would have to go to Canada for your higher studies or for any kind of job opportunity, would it not result in a potentially prevalent gap between you and your life partner? And in case you are already in Canada away from your spouse, you would definitely wish to have your better half alongside you in Canada! This is possible with the help of spouse visa for Canada!

The spouse visa for Canada enables you and your spouse to live with each other in Canada. It comes with a large number of benefits and advantages too while a certain procedure is to be followed for applying for any of the categories of the Canada spouse visa. Such a procedure can be carried out for you by a Canada spouse visa professional like Canadaspousevisa.ca, which is a Canada spouse visa expert that helps you unite with your life partner in Canada. The distance between you and your spouse completely dwindles down to nil once your spouse gets his or her hands on the spouse visa for Canada!

There are various key factors associated with the spouse visa for Canada which can help you understand the significance of the same quite comprehensively! Here are some of these major factors which are more of either benefits or requisites than anything else –

 The Canada spouse visa processing time differs according to the particular category of spouse visa for Canada. The spouse dependent work permit takes around 60 to 90 days approximately for getting processed whereas the spouse immigration for Canada (Permanent Residency in Canada) takes about 10 to 12 months approximately for getting processed.

 With the help of Canada spouse visa, your spouse can work full time for any employer in Canada on legal grounds. Moreover, your spouse does not even need to present any kind of work experience for applying and he or she also does not need to appear for the IELTS exam.

 For you to call your spouse to Canada, it is mandatory to show that you have got sufficient funds for bearing the basic expenses of your life partner. Certain proofs are required for assuring that you have financial stability.

 It is also mandatory for you and your spouse to provide documented proofs of the relationship stability between you both in order to assure the concerned authority that your relationship is completely lawful and genuine in nature.

 You and your spouse must be of 18 years of age for being eligible to apply for the spouse visa for Canada.

Apply for the spousal visa for Canada and turn your dream of living with your spouse in Canada into a big reality!

You can apply for the Canadian spousal visa via the above mentioned Canada spouse visa expert. You can easily reach out to them by visiting their official website www.canadaspousevisa.ca  or by emailing them to info@canadaspousevis.ca for further details.

November 14, 2018

Canada Spouse Visa is like a flawless corridor that helps you reach your destination with mind boggling ease! In case you aim for having your spouse alongside you in Canada, Canada spouse visa is the source for reaching your aim! It is not only about living together with your spouse in Canada, but also about gaining access to all the potential opportunities that arise once you get your hands on the Canada spouse visa!

Spouse visa for Canada brings to you multiple advantages and benefits that can help you shape your career in an amazing way. Along with that, there are also certain requirements and criteria that you must comply with in order to be a valid potential applicant for the Canada spouse visa. Moreover, the procedure to apply and finally receive the approval for your application is matter full of complexities and hectic efforts. Henceforth, it’s very important to take help from a spouse visa expert who is reliable enough for you to yield positive results out of its services. First and foremost, the expert that you consult must provide the services that you need, that too in a speedy and accurate manner.

Here are the crucial aspects to be taken into account with regards to Canadian spouse visa features and characteristics –


  • It is downright mandatory to comply with the chief criteria pertaining to Canadian spouse visa for being an eligible potential applicant. You and your spouse must be of at least 18 years of age to be able to apply.
  • For calling your spouse to Canada, you must have a student visa or a work permit for Canada which can enable your spouse to get a Canada spouse dependent visa.
  • If you’re a Permanent Resident (PR) of Canada or a Canadian Citizen or a registered Indian under the Canadian-Indian Act, you are eligible to sponsor your spouse to Canada under the spousal sponsorship program.
  • It is compulsory and binding for you to show sufficient proofs of your financial stability in order to give surety to the concerned authority that you can bear all the basic expenditures of you and your spouse.
  • It is required for you and your spouse to submit documented proofs of your relationship stability with each other. This is needed for proving that your relationship with your spouse is genuine, authentic and devoid of any issues.


  • There are some benefits that your spouse can enjoy even before applying for the Canada spouse visa as well as after getting it. Your spouse is not required to appear for the IELTS exam in order to apply. Moreover, he/she also does not need to show any kind of work experience. It is allowed to apply for the Canadian spouse visa even without showing work experience.
  • Once your spouse gets his/her Canadian spouse visa, he/she can work full time for any employer in Canada.


  • Upon application approval, your spouse will be permitted a visa term in Canada quite equivalent to your permitted visa term.
  • The Canada spouse work permit processing time is of 60 to 90 days approximately, which is subject to change based on various probable reasons.
  • The processing time for spouse immigration Canada is of 12 months approximately which can differ due to certain reasons.


There are different kinds of spouse dependent services for different kinds of purposes. One all-round expert which offers a wide range of Canada spouse visa services is Canadaspousevisa.ca, an online portal which guides and delivers prompt services to its clients through its team of skilled and proficient members. It offers services for spouse visa for Canada, spousal work permit for Canada and spouse immigration Canada.

Visit www.canadaspousevisa.ca or drop an email to info@canadaspousevisa.ca for getting all your queries resolved.

September 27, 2018

Ever wondered what eligibility has to be achieved by a student/work visa holder to be able to call his/her spouse on a Canada spouse visa? Whether you’re a study visa holder or a work visa holder, there are certain requirements to be fulfilled from your side in order to be a legitimate applicant for a spouse visa for Canada.

There are ample of reasons to look forward to, that justify the significance of a Canada spouse dependent visa. As a study/work visa holder, applying for spouse visa would let you call your spouse to stay with you plus another abundant number of perks and perquisites resulting in overall progress for both of you.

Also, having a study/work visa already would cast you as a fully eligible candidate as it would assure the visa officers of your financial stability. This would curtail the possibility of any kind of delay in Canada spouse visa processing time for your application.

Here are 4 major prospects that add to the reasonability of availing a Canada spouse visa once you’re a study/work visa holder:


Your student or work visa enables you to apply for a Canada spouse visa which would make it possible for you and your spouse to live together in Canada. Something that curbs the distances between you and your better half would really be worth it, wouldn’t it?


If you’re a holder of a work visa or even a study visa, then your partner can apply for a spouse dependent work permit once he/she sets foot in Canada. How amazing would that be! While you’ll be determined to complete your education, your partner will have the opportunity to work full time. Now that would be a win-win situation for sure!

Spouse work permit for Canada’s processing time varies from country to country.

Economic Boost

In case you’re already having a work visa and once your partner too gets his/her work permit, you both can work and earn for yourselves. Such an opportunity means a literal economic boost in your overall finances. Your spouse’s work permit can be for a period of time similar to your visa term.

Settled Career

As obvious and advantageous as it sounds, availing a spouse visa can bring magic to you and your spouse’s career. Even if one of you is pursuing studies and the other is working, or if both of you are working, the possibility of a bright future in Canada is definitely on the cards. Does it not sound tremendously relieving how a Canada spouse visa can gift settled careers to you and your life partner?

In order to know more about the spouse visa, you can contact us at www.canadaspousevisa.ca or drop an email to info@canadaspousevisa.ca as it’s very crucial to take assistance of a Canada spouse visa expert.

August 22, 2018

Canada is one of the most preferred destinations for people around the world. At the same time, it is not easy to get a Canadian visa if you are applying for one. For a foreign individual, to get Canadian visa they need to prove their eligibility at the same time submit necessary documents. Moreover, documents are like the reflection of your eligibility. Now, for instance, if an individual has applied for a spouse visa for Canada there are certain parameters on which the individual should prove themselves worthy such as income proof, the genuineness of the relationship and other requirements too. To prove that the applicant is genuine, a certain set of documents are needed to be submitted in the format according to CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) or there can be negative consequences. Here are a few things that can happen if document verification is not done and which reflects the significance of document verification.


The first consequence that shows the significance of document verification is that your application will be marked incomplete. To explain, applicants who apply for a spouse visa for Canada if you do not submit proper documents or some documents are missing then it becomes hard for the visa officer to verify the eligibility of the applicant. Hence, the application is marked incomplete. Also, there are cases where incomplete applications are requested for additional documents from CIC. To add to this, there have been cases where CIC has requested the applicant for the visa interview. So, it is very important that each and every document is verified.


If the documents are not proper it can increase the processing time of the applications. Canada spouse visa processing time for spouse dependent work permit applications is approximately 14 weeks. Furthermore, the processing time of spouse dependent permanent residency applications is approximately 12 months according to CIC. So, if your documents are not proper then it can become hard for the visa officer to determine your eligibility and offer you spouse visa for Canada. Hence, make sure that your documents are proper. For instance, if an applicant fails to provide necessary documents that prove their relationship to the spouse then it may become hard for the visa officer to determine their eligibility.


The final negative consequence that can occur with the applicant if they do not verify their documents is that their visa can get refused. Yes! Visa denial is the consequence faced by many applicants who are not aware of the knowledge that how documents should be verified and submitted. Denial takes place as the visa officer holds doubt about the applicant. Therefore, it is advisable to verify the documents properly.

To verify the documents, applicants should approach a Canada spouse visa expert. Experts that hold profound knowledge provide complete advice to the applicants regarding the set of documents that can help them to prove their eligibility by verifying them properly. To verify your documents, you can approach Canadaspousevisa.ca, an online portal where a team of experts provide you with the complete guidance about Canada spouse visa. Get more information about their services by contacting them on +91 9998686283.

August 7, 2018

Are you one of those candidates who has experienced a delay in getting Canada spouse visa? Candidates who are applying for Canada spouse dependent work permit or Canada spouse immigration often experience delay in their application due to some kind of mistake they commit when they are applying. Usually, the mistakes are missing documents; ineligibility for the visa or some other mistake which makes it harder for the visa officer to determine the eligibility. As a result, there is an increase in the applicant’s Canada spouse visa processing timeWell, here is what an applicant can do in order to avoid the extension of their spouse visa processing time. The first thing they should do is that they should contact a Canada spouse visa expert for the same where the expert provides them with tips in order to avoid the extension in visa processing. Here, are 3 basic mistakes that should be avoided by candidates so that their Canada spouse visa processing time does not increase.


The first error that most of the times candidates perform while applying for Canada spouse visa is insufficient funding. Yes! In both the cases whether it is spouse dependent work permit in Canada or spouse immigration to Canada the candidate must show sufficient funds in order to prove to the visa officer that they will be able to survive in Canada. Also, in the case of spouse immigration, the sponsor also needs to show sufficient funds to prove the visa officer that they are financially sound to sponsor their spouse to Canada. Now, even if the applicant is financially sound and if sufficient documents are not submitted then it becomes harder for the visa officer to determine the eligibility and grant the visa to the applicant. So, in order to not increase the Canada spouse visa processing time the applicant should show sufficient documents to prove financial stability.


Yes! The second common mistake performed by the candidates is insufficient documents. Insufficient documents can lead to the increase of Canada spouse visa processing time as the visa officer will not be able to verify your case in a quick manner if they doubt that you are not a genuine candidate. You must make sure that you visit a Canada spouse visa expert over here who can guide you about the eligibility requirements and the set of documents to be submitted along with the spouse visa application. Hence, your case does not see the light of rejection.


If there are errors in your Canada spouse visa such as the background of the applicant seems doubtful then your Canada spouse visa processing time may increase as the visa officer might assume that you are not a genuine candidate. In such cases, visa interview or submission of additional documents is requested by CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) to the applicant. Owing to this reason, the applicant should make sure that they are approaching a genuine Canada spouse visa expert to ensure the completeness in their application.

Well, to ensure the completeness in your Canada spouse visa application, you can contact Canadaspousevisa.ca, an online portal where a team of experts assist you in your visa application by providing you with the guidance about the visa categories, their requirements, the application process and information about the set of documents required to be submitted along with the application. For more information, you can drop them a email at info@canadaspousevisa.ca or call them on +91 9998686283.

July 17, 2018

Spouse visa for Canada shrinks the distance between you and your spouse by bringing your spouse in Canada and which allows him/her to work on a full-time basis if you are on study or work permit in Canada on spouse dependent work permit. Moreover, if you are on PR status you can directly sponsor your spouse for spouse dependent PR. All these visa categories offered by CIC shrinks the distance between you and your spouse in Canada. Now, if you want to avail spouse visa for Canada here is how you can do it:


Immigration laws are complicated and it’s better for a layman to not step into it. So, the immigration experts help you in understanding the immigration requirement for Canada spouse visa. Also, Canada has formed a national regulatory council namely Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) for Canada immigration professionals who offer visa and immigration services to potential clients. So, you should always pick an RCIC (Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant) which primarily ensures that your application is in safe hands. Also, the expert will offer you expertise about the eligibility requirements related to spouse visa for Canada along with the necessary set of documents that you need for the application procedure as the professional is completely aware of the documents that are considered while application.


The next step that you should follow is fulfilling the requirements as per the application that you want to undergo for bringing your spouse to Canada. For instance; if you are on study permit in Canada then you must fulfill the necessary requirements as per your immigration expert’s advice and your spouse should also meet the eligibility criteria related to the visa application. The same goes for if you are on a work permit and if you are on permanent residency status. A Canada spouse visa expert will make sure that you’re fulfilling the eligibility requirements and will also suggest you the tips to make your case stronger in front of the visa officer.


Now, after the completion of all the requirements, the expert will start your application and submit your case to CIC where you have to submit the necessary documents along with your application to justify your eligibility in front of the visa officer. Also, CIC visa charges are needed to be paid. So, if you contact a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant over here there is an extra benefit that you can get is there are no hidden charges during your application.

As a result, the particular expert will submit your file to CIC and if everything goes well CIC will process your spouse visa for Canada within an average processing time of 8-10 weeks in case if you are applying for spouse dependent work permit. Likewise, for spouse dependent immigration it is 10-12 months and you can avail your spouse visa for Canada.

Over here, to make your application hassle-free Canadaspousevisa.ca is an online portal where you can avail spouse visa for Canada services from the experts in an easy manner. Not only the experts guide you about the application procedures but also help you in knowing the requirements as well as the documents needed to prove your eligibility.