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October 27, 2018

Are you in need of a spousal work permit for Canada? Do you wish to know the basic requirements for applying for a spouse work permit for Canada? In case you desire to stay with your spouse in Canada and along with that, if you aspire to let her have an opportunity to work full time under any employer, then spouse dependent work permit for Canada is your ultimate pathway towards your dreams. One can also apply for the spouse work permit for Canada from India by getting in touch with a Canada spouse visa expert who can provide with all the needful services to its clients.

There are abundant numbers of factors and characteristics related to the spousal work permit for Canada which include the eligibility criteria, requisites, perquisites, processing times, documentation procedures and requirements, proofs of essential information, etc. It’s very important to get well versed with these crucial pointers as knowing these would provide clarity to the applicants.

Here are all the significant factors and rudiments that you must know in order to apply for the spousal work permit for Canada:

  • If you live in Canada and have a student visa or a work permit already with you, then you can call your spouse to Canada who can work legally and full time for any employer in Canada.
  • You and your spouse must be of at least 18 years of age in order to be eligible to apply for the spousal work permit for Canada.
  • Generally, the spouse work permit Canada processing time is approximately 60 to 90 days, which is subject to change for certain probable reasons.
  • There’s a huge perquisite when applying for the spousal work permit for Canada. Your spouse is not required to appear for the IELTS exam as it’s not needed for going through with the application.
  • Another perk while applying for the spousal work permit for Canada is that the applicant is not required to show any kind of work experience in the application as it’s not at all mandatory. Even without it, a potential applicant would be eligible to apply for the spouse work permit for Canada.
  • Certain numbers of documents are mandatory to be attached with your application, showing that you and your spouse are legally married and that you both share a smooth & genuine relationship. This is for the purpose of assuring to the concerned authorities regarding the actual relationship stability between you and your spouse.
  • It’s also downright mandatory to show proof of your financial stability because the conveyance of sufficient funds to bear your spouse’s basic expenditures in Canada is required.

The procedures pertaining to the application for spousal work permit for Canada are very monotonous, complex and lengthy in nature. As a layman, it would be highly advisable and recommended to seek help from an expert like canadaspousevisa.ca, which is an online platform with a team of skilled and experienced professionals who leave no stone unturned in providing smooth and speedy services to its clients with utmost transparency and accuracy.

You can visit the official website at www.canadaspousevisa.ca or you can also drop an email to info@canadaspousevisa.ca or call on +91-9998686283 for getting your queries resolved.

October 24, 2018

Do you dream of staying together with your better half in Canada? Do you wish to stay together as a couple in Canada? A spouse visa for Canada can help your dreams become a reality! Yes, you heard that right. A Canada spouse visa allows you to call your spouse to Canada and help you live together.

If you’re on a work permit or a student visa, your spouse can work full time for any employer in Canada. If you’re a holder of Permanent Residency (PR) or if you have a Canadian citizenship, you can call your spouse through spouse immigration.  Also, there’s no requirement to appear for the IELTS exam and also no need to show any kind of work experience. Generally, the processing time for a spouse dependent work permit is of approximately 60 to 90 days, which is subject to differ due to certain reasons.

There are different types of application procedures for different kinds of purposes. For example, if you’re a foreign national from India who wishes to work in Canada, you need to avail a spouse work permit Canada from India. A Canada spouse visa expert can get it done for you with sheer ease. Apart from such a service, a Canada spouse visa expert can also help you with services like spouse immigration for Canada, spousal sponsorship for Canada, etc.

Here are 3 aspects which help you get your spouse visa for Canada:

  • Eligibility Criteria

You and your spouse must be of at least 18 years of age in order to be eligible to apply for the Canada spouse visa. Moreover, you must have either a work permit or a student visa or permanent residency or Canadian citizenship in order to be eligible to call your spouse to Canada.

  • Proofs

There are two kinds of proofs which are mandatory when applying for the spouse visa for Canada. A proof for financial stability is required to assure that you have sufficient funds to bear your spouse’s basic expenditures. Moreover, a relationship stability proof is also required to give proof of the genuineness of your relationship with your spouse.

  • Professional Assistance

As the relevant procedures in context to spouse visa for Canada are hectic and complex, it is advisable to seek professional assistance. For that, an expert consultant can be contacted by you and thus, proper guidance can be obtained. Taking from your paperwork and documentation to your final application, these consultants get it all done for you, that too accurately and swiftly.

One such expert is Canadaspousevisa.ca, an online portal with a team of experts and veterans who are always determined to provide flawless services to their clients. They have a client-friendly approach and the major traits of transparency and professionalism, which enables them to provide you with positive outcomes. Getting a spouse visa for Canada requires alertness, knowledge and whereabouts of the pertinent processes and updates in regulations, specific documents, providing of information, filing and attachment, sequential implementation of the procedures, etc. For a layman, keeping a track of all of these aspects can get practically difficult and this is exactly where Canadaspousevisa.ca comes into the picture.

To get in touch with Canadaspousevisa.ca, you can visit its official website on www.canadaspousevisa.ca or drop an email to info@canadaspousevisa.ca for further details on spouse visa for Canada.

October 11, 2018

Are you a Permanent Resident of Canada? Do you have a Canadian citizenship? Are you registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act? If any of these is applicable to you, then you can sponsor your spouse to Canada by calling him/her on the basis of spouse immigration for Canada. The spouse immigration Canada processing time is of 12 months approximately.

An application for Canada spouse visa or spouse immigration can help you and your spouse stay together in Canada – a dream totally worthy to be fulfilled!

In order to be eligible for spousal sponsorship in Canada, you and your spouse are required to abide by certain norms and mandatory requisites in order to apply. Here are the following pointers which throw light on the basic eligibility criteria for applying for spouse immigration Canada –

To sponsor your spouse or common law partner or conjugal partner to Canada, you and your spouse must be of at least 18 years of age.

You will have to produce sufficient proofs of having enough funds in your bank account or other sources as prescribed in the rules and regulations. This is to verify your financial stability and capability to bear the basic expenditures of yourself and your spouse.

You are required to submit authentic and reliable documented proofs of your relationship stability with your spouse. This is necessary for the purpose of assuring that you and your spouse share a genuine and smooth relationship with each other.

Your spouse is not required to appear for the IELTS exams to apply for immigration. He/she can directly apply under the spousal sponsorship for Canada.

Apart from these specific requirements, there are various procedures to be followed, consisting of general documentation and filing of your application. Unless the entire process is carried on with accuracy and professionalism, there are chances that you could miss out on essential parts of the application, which might result in delay or even refusal. Hence, it’s a matter of firm insistence and recommendation that you should take help of an expert professional in the field of spouse immigration services.

One such expert is Canadaspousevisa.ca, an online portal with a team of veterans who conduct the entire process on behalf of you to help you reap all the available benefits and obtain positive results. These experts keep a check of your application in such a way that no blunder or filing errors or unauthentic submission takes place at any point of time.

Let your dreams become a wonderful reality! Let the proficient experts handle your entire spouse immigration case for you. You can get in touch with the canadaspousevisa.ca portal by visiting its official website www.canadaspousevisa.ca or dropping an email to info@canadaspousevisa.ca or by calling on +91-9998686283 for getting all your doubts and queries resolved as to how to prepare and file a flawless application.

October 3, 2018

Are you willing to call your spouse to Canada? Do you wish to have your spouse with you in Canada? It’s crucial to get done with the Canada Spouse Visa procedure and thereby begin with the process for attaining a spouse work permit in Canada for your spouse.

Your spouse, who is already on a study permit or a work permit in Canada, can sponsor you so that you can legally work full time and stay in Canada.

For the purpose of calling your spouse to Canada, you can start the procedure of spousal work permit for Canada once you receive your student visa. Though it is not mandatory but there are higher chances of getting the visa approved for spouse dependent work permit for Canada once you start your studies if you are on student visa or start working if you are on work permit. If you’re an applicant with more than 6 months of remaining term under your status either on study or work permit, you can apply for your spouse’s work permit.

Here are various factors that are important to be known regarding spouse work permit in Canada –


Your spouse is authorized to stay in Canada until your study/work permit validity. Your spouse is eligible to extend his/her permit as well when you extend your status in Canada either on study or work permit.


The usual and approximate spouse work permit Canada processing time is 60 to 90 days although it can differ for various other reasons pertaining to the correctness of your application.


Your spouse is not required to appear for the IELTS exams if he/she is applying under the spouse visa for Canada.


No work experience is mandatory to be eligible to apply for the spouse work permit for Canada!


If your spouse is in Canada on a visitor visa, he/she can still apply for the spouse dependent work permit in Canada, in case you are already having a study or a work permit.


You and your spouse must be legally married and both of you must be of at least 18 years of age to be eligible to avail the services of Canada spouse visa and work permit. Moreover, certain documents are required to be submitted in the form of general information and relationship stability proofs.

Processes related to spouse work permit can be hectic and complex, which results in the need to consult experts who can conduct these entire processes for you. One such expert is Canadaspousevisa.ca, an online portal with a team of proficient experts who can guide you throughout such procedures and help you successfully get a spouse work permit with sheer ease.

You can visit www.canadaspousevisa.ca to know more about the process and benefits of spouse dependent work permit or you can drop an email to info@canadaspousevisa.ca for getting all your doubts and queries resolved.

September 27, 2018

Ever wondered what eligibility has to be achieved by a student/work visa holder to be able to call his/her spouse on a Canada spouse visa? Whether you’re a study visa holder or a work visa holder, there are certain requirements to be fulfilled from your side in order to be a legitimate applicant for a spouse visa for Canada.

There are ample of reasons to look forward to, that justify the significance of a Canada spouse dependent visa. As a study/work visa holder, applying for spouse visa would let you call your spouse to stay with you plus another abundant number of perks and perquisites resulting in overall progress for both of you.

Also, having a study/work visa already would cast you as a fully eligible candidate as it would assure the visa officers of your financial stability. This would curtail the possibility of any kind of delay in Canada spouse visa processing time for your application.

Here are 4 major prospects that add to the reasonability of availing a Canada spouse visa once you’re a study/work visa holder:


Your student or work visa enables you to apply for a Canada spouse visa which would make it possible for you and your spouse to live together in Canada. Something that curbs the distances between you and your better half would really be worth it, wouldn’t it?


If you’re a holder of a work visa or even a study visa, then your partner can apply for a spouse dependent work permit once he/she sets foot in Canada. How amazing would that be! While you’ll be determined to complete your education, your partner will have the opportunity to work full time. Now that would be a win-win situation for sure!

Spouse work permit for Canada’s processing time varies from country to country.

Economic Boost

In case you’re already having a work visa and once your partner too gets his/her work permit, you both can work and earn for yourselves. Such an opportunity means a literal economic boost in your overall finances. Your spouse’s work permit can be for a period of time similar to your visa term.

Settled Career

As obvious and advantageous as it sounds, availing a spouse visa can bring magic to you and your spouse’s career. Even if one of you is pursuing studies and the other is working, or if both of you are working, the possibility of a bright future in Canada is definitely on the cards. Does it not sound tremendously relieving how a Canada spouse visa can gift settled careers to you and your life partner?

In order to know more about the spouse visa, you can contact us at www.canadaspousevisa.ca or drop an email to info@canadaspousevisa.ca as it’s very crucial to take assistance of a Canada spouse visa expert.

September 18, 2018

Are you a potential applicant for a Canada spouse visa? If yes, then you must have wondered about the concerned process of how to sponsor spouse to Canada and also about the pros and cons of the spousal sponsorship Canada processing time. Currently, whether you opt for inland sponsorship or outland sponsorship, the approximate processing time for such spousal sponsorship for Canada is 12 Months. However, this given time is just an average speculation as there are various aspects that affect the processing time for spouse visa. Taking from your documentation for the application to the implementation of the required criteria, every necessary factor is decisive of the ultimate processing time.

Hence, you must keep in mind certain essential elements before applying for a spouse visa for Canada. Here are some crucial tips to enlighten you and thereby help you in the spousal visa process:

Age Validity:

This factor is not only a mere tip, but also a criterion to be eligible for being a spouse visa applicant. It’s downright necessary to be of at least 18 years of age to apply under the spousal sponsorship program. Unless you fit to the age validity, your spousal sponsorship for Canada processing time might take longer than usual, mostly ending up in refusal or a situation of re-application.


It’s very advisable and to a great extent, crucial, to have sufficient funds so as to convince the visa officers of your financial capability. This factor is important because your financial situation depicts whether you’ll be able to bear the necessary expenses of your spouse or not. In case the funds you’re holding are not enough in the opinion of the concerned visa officer, your application processing time might take a little longer or even a reason for a probable rejection.

Relationship stability:

It’s quite basic to show proofs of your relationship pertaining to its stability. As a firm suggestion, you should gather proofs which suffice the fact that you and your spouse have been having a healthy relationship. This factor, if taken seriously and implemented accordingly, can do wonders to the processing time of your application, making it as quick as possible.


Another chief criterion to shorten the spousal sponsorship Canada processing time is the proper and timely submission of the required documents. It’s highly recommended that the documents you attach along with your application must be of genuine nature and all the necessary formats must be complied with. This is like a pathway towards a flawless application process, which can only be achieved through a systematic approach.


Last but not the least, it’s absolutely important to avoid making any mistakes in your application. Canada spouse visa applications are meant to be rejected even for the smallest of errors and thus, it’s an instruction-cum-advice to double check your application before filing.

All of these tips can be worked upon and polished by consulting an expert. At www.canadaspousevisa.ca, we provide prompt and accurate services to our clients who wish for a smooth spousal sponsorship for Canada while making sure your processing time for spousal sponsorship remains as short as possible.

September 13, 2018

A spouse visa for Canada can play a crucial role in your life. If you stay in Canada and want to bridge the gap between you and your spouse, there’s a provision that lets you call your spouse to Canada. All you need is someone who can help you with spousal visa services.

You must be wondering how to sponsor spouse to Canada. If you’re on work permit or study permit in Canada, your spouse can work full time using the Canada spouse visa. If you’re on permanent residency status, you can directly sponsor your spouse for spouse dependant permanent residency.

While you think of starting from the scratch, let experts work for you. You can obtain assistance from adept visa consultants who’ll make you understand all the advantages of spouse visa for Canada.

Here’s how you can call your spouse through spouse visa for Canada:

Financial Stability

It’s very basic and essential for you to prove the visa officers that you’re financially able when it comes to Canada spouse visa. This is for the purpose of verifying that you’re capable of sponsoring him/her easily and conveniently. A certain amount of funds are necessary to be shown to the visa officers which would give them the assurance that you can afford the basic expenditure of your spouse.

Knowing the Types

You’ll be amazed to know that there are various categories introduced by CIC for spouse visa for Canada. For the purpose of work permit, one can apply for spousal work permit in Canada while there’s the spouse immigration for Canada for immigration purposes. If your spouse wished to avail the study visa and subsequently the study permit, he/she will have to accordingly apply. Hence, this also calls for a valid reason for taking assistance of a visa expert.

Expert Guidance

Understanding and choosing from the various categories of visa services that suit you can be a challenging task. Moreover, laws pertaining to immigration and visa are very strict, so in case you’re willing to get done with the procedures smoothly and properly, you must consult a visa and immigration consultant who can guide you past the hectic and complex processes.


After being ready with all the attachments, documents, details, etc. required for your application, you can submit it all to the visa expert who’ll finish the application for you. You’ll also have to pay the CIC application fees and then wait for its response until further notice. Furthermore, there’s no requirement for your spouse to appear for IELTS exam.

Spouse visa for Canada is very useful in letting you call your spouse and thereby providing his/her the permit to study or work and stay until your visa term ends. Even if such a term ends, you can apply for visa extension or visa restoration – whichever deems fit to the situation.

For more details regarding how to sponsor spouse to Canada, you can contact on +91-9998686283 or drop an email at info@canadaspousevisa.ca.