October 11, 2018

What is the Spouse Immigration Canada Processing Time and Its Requirements

Are you a Permanent Resident of Canada? Do you have a Canadian citizenship? Are you registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act? If any of these is applicable to you, then you can sponsor your spouse to Canada by calling him/her on the basis of spouse immigration for Canada. The spouse immigration Canada processing time is of 12 months approximately.

An application for Canada spouse visa or spouse immigration can help you and your spouse stay together in Canada – a dream totally worthy to be fulfilled!

In order to be eligible for spousal sponsorship in Canada, you and your spouse are required to abide by certain norms and mandatory requisites in order to apply. Here are the following pointers which throw light on the basic eligibility criteria for applying for spouse immigration Canada –

To sponsor your spouse or common law partner or conjugal partner to Canada, you and your spouse must be of at least 18 years of age.

You will have to produce sufficient proofs of having enough funds in your bank account or other sources as prescribed in the rules and regulations. This is to verify your financial stability and capability to bear the basic expenditures of yourself and your spouse.

You are required to submit authentic and reliable documented proofs of your relationship stability with your spouse. This is necessary for the purpose of assuring that you and your spouse share a genuine and smooth relationship with each other.

Your spouse is not required to appear for the IELTS exams to apply for immigration. He/she can directly apply under the spousal sponsorship for Canada.

Apart from these specific requirements, there are various procedures to be followed, consisting of general documentation and filing of your application. Unless the entire process is carried on with accuracy and professionalism, there are chances that you could miss out on essential parts of the application, which might result in delay or even refusal. Hence, it’s a matter of firm insistence and recommendation that you should take help of an expert professional in the field of spouse immigration services.

One such expert is Canadaspousevisa.ca, an online portal with a team of veterans who conduct the entire process on behalf of you to help you reap all the available benefits and obtain positive results. These experts keep a check of your application in such a way that no blunder or filing errors or unauthentic submission takes place at any point of time.

Let your dreams become a wonderful reality! Let the proficient experts handle your entire spouse immigration case for you. You can get in touch with the canadaspousevisa.ca portal by visiting its official website www.canadaspousevisa.ca or dropping an email to info@canadaspousevisa.ca or by calling on +91-9998686283 for getting all your doubts and queries resolved as to how to prepare and file a flawless application.

Author: admin

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