November 14, 2018

Canada Spouse Visa: Supporting Life Partners to Stay Together!

Canada Spouse Visa is like a flawless corridor that helps you reach your destination with mind boggling ease! In case you aim for having your spouse alongside you in Canada, Canada spouse visa is the source for reaching your aim! It is not only about living together with your spouse in Canada, but also about gaining access to all the potential opportunities that arise once you get your hands on the Canada spouse visa!

Spouse visa for Canada brings to you multiple advantages and benefits that can help you shape your career in an amazing way. Along with that, there are also certain requirements and criteria that you must comply with in order to be a valid potential applicant for the Canada spouse visa. Moreover, the procedure to apply and finally receive the approval for your application is matter full of complexities and hectic efforts. Henceforth, it’s very important to take help from a spouse visa expert who is reliable enough for you to yield positive results out of its services. First and foremost, the expert that you consult must provide the services that you need, that too in a speedy and accurate manner.

Here are the crucial aspects to be taken into account with regards to Canadian spouse visa features and characteristics –


  • It is downright mandatory to comply with the chief criteria pertaining to Canadian spouse visa for being an eligible potential applicant. You and your spouse must be of at least 18 years of age to be able to apply.
  • For calling your spouse to Canada, you must have a student visa or a work permit for Canada which can enable your spouse to get a Canada spouse dependent visa.
  • If you’re a Permanent Resident (PR) of Canada or a Canadian Citizen or a registered Indian under the Canadian-Indian Act, you are eligible to sponsor your spouse to Canada under the spousal sponsorship program.
  • It is compulsory and binding for you to show sufficient proofs of your financial stability in order to give surety to the concerned authority that you can bear all the basic expenditures of you and your spouse.
  • It is required for you and your spouse to submit documented proofs of your relationship stability with each other. This is needed for proving that your relationship with your spouse is genuine, authentic and devoid of any issues.


  • There are some benefits that your spouse can enjoy even before applying for the Canada spouse visa as well as after getting it. Your spouse is not required to appear for the IELTS exam in order to apply. Moreover, he/she also does not need to show any kind of work experience. It is allowed to apply for the Canadian spouse visa even without showing work experience.
  • Once your spouse gets his/her Canadian spouse visa, he/she can work full time for any employer in Canada.


  • Upon application approval, your spouse will be permitted a visa term in Canada quite equivalent to your permitted visa term.
  • The Canada spouse work permit processing time is of 60 to 90 days approximately, which is subject to change based on various probable reasons.
  • The processing time for spouse immigration Canada is of 12 months approximately which can differ due to certain reasons.


There are different kinds of spouse dependent services for different kinds of purposes. One all-round expert which offers a wide range of Canada spouse visa services is, an online portal which guides and delivers prompt services to its clients through its team of skilled and proficient members. It offers services for spouse visa for Canada, spousal work permit for Canada and spouse immigration Canada.

Visit or drop an email to for getting all your queries resolved.

Author: admin

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